Shares Data - Imports and Exports
One of the most time-saving aspects of BudgeTools is the program’s ability to import data from most Property Management Systems, Financial Systems, Group Booking and Reservations and other Revenue Management Systems. Exporting an accurate rooms forecast to other hotel applications is one of BudgeTools most powerful features.
Most of a financial forecast that includes all of the hotel’s income and expenses is driven by occupied rooms.
A full financial forecasting application provides a means for generating a rooms forecast that is often cumbersome, frustrating and time consuming.
The result can be a questionable rooms forecast which translates into an unreliable financial forecast. Why? Because the forecasting team is reluctant to fine tune and adjust; each change can mean hours more of work.
BudgeTools ability to export its rooms forecast to the financial system brings a level of dependability unmatched by other forecasting applications and can import data from a variety of sources, the PMS, RMS and Financial System and Business Intelligence System are common examples used regularly at BudgeTools installations.